Source code for geo_utils.raster_mgmt

import gdal
import osr
from .geoconfig import *

[docs]def open_raster(file_name, band_number=1): """Opens a raster file and accesses its bands. Args: file_name (str): The raster file directory and name. band_number (int): The Raster band number to open (default: ``1``). Returns: osgeo.gdal.Dataset: A raster dataset a Python object. osgeo.gdal.Band: The defined raster band as Python object. """ gdal.UseExceptions() # open raster file or return None if not accessible try: raster = gdal.Open(file_name) except RuntimeError as e: logging.error("Cannot open raster.") print(e) return nan_value, nan_value # open raster band or return None if corrupted try: raster_band = raster.GetRasterBand(band_number) except RuntimeError as e: logging.error("Cannot access raster band.") logging.error(e) return raster, nan_value return raster, raster_band
[docs]def create_raster(file_name, raster_array, origin=None, epsg=4326, pixel_width=10., pixel_height=10., nan_val=nan_value, rdtype=gdal.GDT_Float32, geo_info=False): """Converts an ``ndarray`` (``numpy.array``) to a GeoTIFF raster. Args: file_name (str): Target file name, including directory; must end on ``".tif"``. raster_array (ndarray): Values to rasterize. origin (tuple): Coordinates (x, y) of the origin. epsg (int): EPSG:XXXX projection to use (default: ``4326``). pixel_height (float OR int): Pixel height as multiple of the base units defined with the EPSG number (default: ``10`` meters). pixel_width (float OR int): Pixel width as multiple of the base units defined with the EPSG number (default: ``10`` meters). nan_val (``int`` or ``float``): No-data value to be used in the raster. Replaces non-numeric and ``np.nan`` in the ``ndarray``. (default: ``geoconfig.nan_value``). rdtype: `gdal.GDALDataType <>`_ raster data type (default: gdal.GDT_Float32 (32 bit floating point). geo_info (tuple): Defines a ``gdal.DataSet.GetGeoTransform`` object and supersedes ``origin``, ``pixel_width``, ``pixel_height`` (default: ``False``). Returns: int: ``0`` if successful, otherwise ``-1``. """ gdal.UseExceptions() # check out driver driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") # create raster dataset with number of cols and rows of the input array try: cols = raster_array.shape[1] rows = raster_array.shape[0] except TypeError: logging.error("Provided array is not a numpy.ndarray.") return -1 try: new_raster = driver.Create(file_name, cols, rows, 1, eType=rdtype) except RuntimeError as e: logging.error("Could not create %s." % str(file_name)) return -1 # replace np.nan values raster_array[np.isnan(raster_array)] = nan_val # apply geo-origin and pixel dimensions if not geo_info: try: origin_x = origin[0] origin_y = origin[1] except IndexError: logging.error("Wrong origin format (required: (INT, INT) - provided: %s)." % str(origin)) return -1 try: new_raster.SetGeoTransform((origin_x, pixel_width, 0, origin_y, 0, -pixel_height)) except RuntimeError as e: logging.error("Invalid origin (must be INT) or pixel_height/pixel_width (must be INT) provided.") return -1 else: try: new_raster.SetGeoTransform(geo_info) except RuntimeError as e: logging.error(e) return -1 # retrieve band number 1 band = new_raster.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(nan_val) band.WriteArray(raster_array) band.SetScale(1.0) # create projection and assign to raster srs = osr.SpatialReference() try: srs.ImportFromEPSG(epsg) except RuntimeError as e: logging.error(e) return -1 new_raster.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) # release raster band band.FlushCache() return 0
[docs]def raster2array(file_name, band_number=1): """Extracts an ``ndarray`` from a raster. Args: file_name (str): Target file name, including directory; must end on ``".tif"``. band_number (int): The raster band number to open (default: ``1``). Returns: ndarray: Indicated raster band, where no-data values are replaced with ``np.nan``. GeoTransform: The GeoTransformation used in the original raster. """ # open the raster and band (see above) raster, band = open_raster(file_name, band_number=band_number) try: # read array data from band band_array = band.ReadAsArray() except AttributeError: logging.error("Could not read array of raster band type=%s." % str(type(band))) return raster, band, nan_value try: # overwrite NoDataValues with np.nan band_array = np.where(band_array == band.GetNoDataValue(), np.nan, band_array) except AttributeError: logging.error("Could not get NoDataValue of raster band type=%s." % str(type(band))) return raster, band, nan_value # return the array and GeoTransformation used in the original raster return raster, band_array, raster.GetGeoTransform()
[docs]def remove_tif(file_name): """Removes a GeoTIFF and its dependent files (e.g., xml). Args: file_name (str): Directory (path) and name of a GeoTIFF Returns: Removes the provided ``file_name`` and all dependencies. """ for file in glob.glob("%s*" % file_name.split(".tif")[0]): try: os.remove(file) except PermissionError: print("WARNING: Could not remove %s (locked by other program)." % file) except FileNotFoundError: print("WARNING: The file %s does not exist." % file)
[docs]def clip_raster(polygon, in_raster, out_raster): """Clips a raster to a polygon. Args: polygon (str): A polygon shapefile name, including directory; must end on ``".shp"``. in_raster (str): Name of the raster to be clipped, including its directory. out_raster (str): Name of the target raster, including its directory. Returns: None: Creates a new, clipped raster defined with ``out_raster``. """ gdal.Warp(out_raster, in_raster, cutlineDSName=polygon)