Source code for geo_utils.shp_mgmt

    from gdal import ogr
    import geopandas
    import numpy as np
    import os
    import alphashape
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:

[docs]def create_shp(shp_file_dir, overwrite=True, *args, **kwargs): """Creates a new shapefile with an optionally defined geometry type. Args: shp_file_dir (str): of the (relative) shapefile directory (ends on ``".shp"``). overwrite (bool): If ``True`` (default), existing files are overwritten. layer_name (str): The layer name to be created. If ``None``: no layer will be created. layer_type (str): Either ``"point"``, ``"line"``, or ``"polygon"`` of the ``layer_name``. If ``None``: no layer will be created. Returns: osgeo.ogr.DataSource: An ``ogr`` shapefile """ shp_driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") shp_file_dir = verify_shp_name(shp_file_dir) # check if output file exists if yes delete it if os.path.exists(shp_file_dir): if overwrite: shp_driver.DeleteDataSource(shp_file_dir) else: logging.error("Shapefile already exists and overwrite=False. Delete existing shapefile and/or use overwrite=True (default).") return None # create and return new shapefile object new_shp = shp_driver.CreateDataSource(shp_file_dir) # create layer if layer_name and layer_type are provided if kwargs.get("layer_name") and kwargs.get("layer_type"): # create dictionary of ogr.SHP-TYPES geometry_dict = {"point": ogr.wkbPoint, "points": ogr.wkbMultiPoint, "line": ogr.wkbMultiLineString, "polygon": ogr.wkbMultiPolygon} # create layer try: new_shp.CreateLayer(str(kwargs.get("layer_name")), geom_type=geometry_dict[str(kwargs.get("layer_type").lower())]) except KeyError: print("Error: Invalid layer_type provided (must be 'point', 'line', or 'polygon').") except TypeError: print("Error: layer_name and layer_type must be string.") except AttributeError: print("Error: Cannot access layer - opened in other program?") return new_shp
[docs]def get_geom_description(layer): """Gets the WKB Geometry Type as string from a shapefile layer. Args: layer (osgeo.ogr.Layer): A shapefile layer. Returns: str: WKB (binary) geometry type """ type_dict = {0: "wkbUnknown", 1: "wkbPoint", 2: "wkbLineString", 3: "wkbPolygon", 4: "wkbMultiPoint", 5: "wkbMultiLineString", 6: "wkbMultiPolygon", 7: "wkbGeometryCollection", 8: "wkbCircularString", 9: "wkbCompoundCurve", 10: "wkbCurvePolygon", 11: "wkbMultiCurve", 12: "wkbMultiSurface", 13: "wkbCurve", 14: "wkbSurface", 15: "wkbPolyhedralSurface", 16: "wkbTIN", 17: "wkbTriangle", 100: "wkbNone", 101: "wkbLinearRing", 1008: "wkbCircularStringZ", 1009: "wkbCompoundCurveZ", 1010: "wkbCurvePolygonZ", 1011: "wkbMultiCurveZ", 1012: "wkbMultiSurfaceZ", 1013: "wkbCurveZ", 1014: "wkbSurfaceZ", 1015: "wkbPolyhedralSurfaceZ", 1016: "wkbTINZ", 1017: "wkbTriangleZ", 2001: "wkbPointM", 2002: "wkbLineStringM", 2003: "wkbPolygonM", 2004: "wkbMultiPointM", 2005: "wkbMultiLineStringM", 2006: "wkbMultiPolygonM", 2007: "wkbGeometryCollectionM", 2008: "wkbCircularStringM", 2009: "wkbCompoundCurveM", 2010: "wkbCurvePolygonM", 2011: "wkbMultiCurveM", 2012: "wkbMultiSurfaceM", 2013: "wkbCurveM", 2014: "wkbSurfaceM", 2015: "wkbPolyhedralSurfaceM", 2016: "wkbTINM", 2017: "wkbTriangleM", 3001: "wkbPointZM", 3002: "wkbLineStringZM", 3003: "wkbPolygonZM", 3004: "wkbMultiPointZM", 3005: "wkbMultiLineStringZM", 3006: "wkbMultiPolygonZM", 3007: "wkbGeometryCollectionZM", 3008: "wkbCircularStringZM", 3009: "wkbCompoundCurveZM", 3010: "wkbCurvePolygonZM", 3011: "wkbMultiCurveZM", 3012: "wkbMultiSurfaceZM", 3013: "wkbCurveZM", 3014: "wkbSurfaceZM", 3015: "wkbPolyhedralSurfaceZM", 3016: "wkbTINZM", 3017: "wkbTriangleZM", -2147483647: "wkbPoint25D", -2147483646: "wkbLineString25D", -2147483645: "wkbPolygon25D", -2147483644: "wkbMultiPoint25D", -2147483643: "wkbMultiLineString25D", -2147483642: "wkbMultiPolygon25D", -2147483641: "wkbGeometryCollection25D"} try: geom_type = layer.GetGeom() except AttributeError: logging.error("Invalid input: %s is empty or not osgeo.ogr.Layer." % str(layer)) return type_dict[0] try: return type_dict[geom_type] except KeyError: logging.error("Unknown WKB Geometry Type.") return type_dict[0]
[docs]def get_geom_simplified(layer): r"""Gets a simplified geometry description (either point, line, or polygon) as a function of the WKB Geometry Type of a shapefile layer. Args: layer (osgeo.ogr.Layer): A shapefile layer. Returns: str: Either WKT-formatted point, line, or polygon (or unknown if invalid layer). """ wkb_geom = get_geom_description(layer) if "point" in wkb_geom.lower(): return "point" if "line" in wkb_geom.lower(): return "line" if "polygon" in wkb_geom.lower(): return "polygon" return "unknown"
[docs]def verify_shp_name(shp_file_name, shorten_to=13): """Ensure that the shapefile name does not exceed 13 characters. Otherwise, the function shortens the ``shp_file_name`` length to N characters. Args: shp_file_name (str): A shapefile name (with directory e.g., ``"C:/temp/poly.shp"``). shorten_to (int): The number of characters the shapefile name should have (default: ``13``). Returns: str: A shapefile name (including path if provided) with a length of ``shorten_to``. """ pure_fn = shp_file_name.split(".shp")[0].split("/")[-1].split("\\")[-1] shp_dir = shp_file_name.strip(shp_file_name.split("/")[-1].split("\\")[-1]) if pure_fn.__len__() > shorten_to: print("Shapefile name too long (applying auto-shortening to %s characters)." % str(shorten_to)) return shp_dir + pure_fn[0: shorten_to - 1] + ".shp" else: return shp_file_name
[docs]def polygon_from_shapepoints(shapepoints, polygon, alpha=np.nan): """Creates a polygon around a cloud of ``shapepoints``. Args: shapepoints (str): Point shapefile name, including its directory. polygon (str): Target shapefile filename, including its directory. alpha (float): Coefficient to adjust; the lower it is, the more slim will be the polygon. Returns: None: Creates the polygon shapefile defined with ``polygon``. """ gdf = geopandas.read_file(shapepoints) # If the user doesnt select an alpha value, the alpha will be optimized automatically. if np.isfinite(alpha): try: poly = alphashape.alphashape(gdf, alpha) poly.to_file(polygon) except FileNotFoundError as err: print(err) else: try: poly = alphashape.alphashape(gdf) except FileNotFoundError as err: print(err) else: poly.to_file(polygon)